Radio Ad: Integrity
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Hi, my name is Jim Connolly and I think that you might all agree that we live in serious times. Some might say America has had a wake up call, which would include you and me right here in Payson, Arizona. I have a long time friend named Colt White who’s running for Constable in this coming primary. I think his 34 years in Northern Gila County has more than prepared him for such a serious responsibility because he knows the area and the people well. And with his 18 years in local law enforcement more than qualifies him for the office of Constable. But more than that it’s probably integrity. Yeah, I think integrity. It’s something his grandfather gave to his dad and his dad instilled in his son Colt. It’s something every elected official needs. So for the best reasons, I’m standing for Colt White for Constable this coming primary. So stand up with me and vote.